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2023-05-08 16:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、The hound hunted all night. He quit when the roosters started crowing at daybreak.那只猎犬忙乎了整晚,到黎明公鸡报晓时才休息。

2、“We have a mission to perform Quit pretending” cried he angrily他生气地高喊一声: “我们有任务, 别装蒜。”

3、Had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.为了能在午夜前到家不得不离开聚会

4、Give a soft dog a prong collar correction and the dog will shut down and quit trying.使用带刺项圈纠正一头“软狗”会把它吓坏并停止尝试。

5、If it works, either use Ctrl - to quit or start another command-line window.如果能够工作,可以使用Ctrl-退出终端或启动另一个命令行窗口。

6、I was to quit university and take over the running of the diner.我很快就从大学退学并接管了小餐馆。

7、It's much easier to get into a habit than quit it.养成一种习惯比改掉一种习惯容易得多。

8、Suddenly, the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether.忽然,车子先是发出嘎嚓声,然后又是劈啪声,终于发动机彻底歇工了。

9、You might decide that it's time to quit smoking for real, or trim down for your health.您可能会决定,现在是时候戒烟的实际,或削减为你的健康。

10、I have not quit the fight.我没有停止那场战斗。

11、I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school.我劝告他在决定退学之前再仔细考虑一番。

12、Quit worshipping rule breakers and start breaking some rules.不要崇拜规则破坏者们,开始破坏规则吧。

13、After she married, my mother quit her job and gave herself to her family.我母亲结婚后辞掉了工作,全身心地投入到家庭中。

14、It's much easier to get into a habit than quit it养成一种习惯比改掉一种习惯容易得多。

15、I'd better quit now. I don't want to be a dog in the manger.我最好现在离职。我不想占着茅坑不拉屎。

16、It takes gumption to quit a good paying job.要辞去一个待遇很好的工作需要勇气。

17、Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time.嗯,插一句,我那时正尝试戒烟。

18、We were pushed for time and had to quit some place to visit.由于时间紧迫, 我们只好放弃一些地方不去参观了。

19、I know bloody obstinacy when I meet it so I quit arguing with him.我看出他很固执,所以就没再和他争了。

20、I want to quit the job and travel all over the world.我想辞掉工作,周游世界。

21、"Andrew: I won't quit over my pervert Pal," the Sun added.“安德鲁:我不会因为我的变态朋友而辞职”,太阳报再补一句。

22、He quit his job and struck out on his own as a publisher.他辞去原来的工作, 独自经营出版社。

23、And the Portuguese chief says he would quit if Abramovich meddled with his backroom team.葡萄牙主帅表示,如果阿布更换他的助手,他将辞职。

24、I obeyed, so far as to quit the chamber;我服从了,就离开了这间卧室。

25、She finally quit herself of fear.她终于消除了恐惧。

26、Life is much more rewarding and enjoyable when you quit resisting it.生活在你停止抵抗时变得更为令人满足和愉快。

27、He said he realized he had an addictive personality and quit drinking cold Turkey.他说他意识到他曾沉迷于酒精中并且戒掉了这个不好的习惯。

28、If you need to memorize something, quit multitasking.如果你需要记得些什么,就停止进行多任务处理吧。

29、Now that you've decided to quit smoking, it's time to map out your quit-smoking action plan.一旦你决心戒烟,就该制定出戒烟的行动计划。

30、Quit sticking up for him.别再护着他了。

quit翻译vi. 离开, 辞职, 停止vt. 离开, 放弃, 使解除, 停止n. 离开【计】 结束, 退出相关词组: quit oneself be quit of sb quit hold of qu 详情




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